HD-eKJ is a eletronic client journal system, designed for abuse centers and residential facilities. The system also includes a medication module and inventory - see more in HD-medicin. HD-eKJ documents and optimizes the daily work with clients for doctors and nurses and other staff working i abuse clinics and abuse facilities.

The system was developed in close cooperation with educational – and healthcare professionals from addiction centers and residential facilities across the country. There is a built-in control of user rights according to the users profession, only permitting users access to functions to which they are specifically authorized. There is a strong emphasis on the ease of use, and users at all skill levels will quickly learn to use the system.

The medicine module is connected to a methadone weight, which facilitates health professionals at the supply of methadone. See detailed description under HD-Medicin.

HD-eKJ is secured by WinLog, and users log onto HD-eKJ through an access control via a shortcut over the Internet. This establishes a secure, encrypted tunnel to the database, no matter which branch you are sitting in.

HD-eKJ is used in Funen – and Jutland municipalities as well as in Greenland’s Autonomy.

Client Master Data
- Clients are registered, enrolled and discharged after treatment
- Connecting to CPR-direkte, changes loaded every night
- Search inquiries and sorting can be performed on the client list using many search criteria
- Picture Identification
- Initial Conversation
- Statements of consent are created with mention of the collaborators
- Visitation schedule
- The client can be divided into modules (to be used for re-invoicing)
- Focal points
- Visitation Minutes, generated automatically based on schedule data – conclusion is entered
- Treatment log containing objectives, methodology and status
- Action plans
- Her GP
- External contacts are created
- Alarms
Survey Data
- ASI and Follow Up schedules Composite Scores, HepC, IHM, NAB and SMDB
Client journal
- Employees write their own journal draft, possibly based on a template
- The journal is transferred to the final Journal sheet containing category, keywords, date and time
- Journal sheets are also created by information automatically transferred from the other modules
- Inquiries can be made in the record using the search terms date, category and keywords
- A new appointment can be booked via the Journal
- Current project: Speech Recognition
- Letters are created based on templates and merged with address data on the client, partners or external contacts
- Letters are transferred to the department’s administrative outbox for further processing
- Sent letters are transferred to the client file in PDF format with description and keywords
- Documents are scanned in PDF format and linked to the client
- Description and keywords are attached and everything is transferred to the client’s file
- Search inquiries can be made in the client’s file or in the department’s archive across all clients
- A filed letter or – document can be displayed and printed
Medicine Module
- See description under HD-Medicin
- Information about departments and employees
- Rights management according to the employees’ professional category
- Rights management for the administration
- Addresses of partners maintained
- Templates for letters, records and reports created
- The Medicine Catalog is updated automatically every weekend and used for querying
- Non-prescription drugs catalog maintained and used for query
- An overview of drugs to be approved by the doctor is displayed
- Each employee can create drafts in different categories based on templates
- Employees minute drafts are collected, edited and approved
- The approved minute is transferred to the final version and locked from changes
- Marked selected block of text can be transferred to the selected client’s record
Shared Diary
- Each employee can write his own draft
- The ready draft is transferred to the joint diary, after which it is opened for all employees
- Block selected text can be transferred to the selected client’s record
- Notifications, check lists, payment lists and medication lists