Both systems HD-eKJ, and HD-Medicine now have a full integration to the Shared Medication Record (FMK). We are proud of the fact that we were the first system provider in our field to make a 2 way full integration.
What that means for you?
If you are a nurse, a doctor or have another authorization for FMK and use HD eKJ, you will be able to access FMK. If you are not already a current customer, please contact us and we will find a solution for you. The user interface is built with a simple and clear view with FMK at the top, and the local medical card at the bottom. You easily and with few keystrokes navigate your way around and all medicine is quickly synchronized automatically with FMK. We’ve made it easy so the login process, keeps you automatically logged in for 8 hours after setting up access with your digital signature. The Shared Medication Record (FMK) is for users who use HD eKJ and HD Medicine.

One of the only systems on the market to have a 2 way direct communication to FMK. That means that you can send to FMK and you can pull down medicine to your local medicin card. You can do everything you need to do in one system.