More than 3 million people are estimated to live with Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Incidences are increasing in the Western world and IBD is as frequent as Insulin Dependent Diabetes.

Developed for the European Crohn’s & Colitis Organization – Epidemiology Committee Database. This European trial in 24 countries representing adult and pediatric inception cohorts from 15 Western and 8 Eastern European countries and 1 Asian country will primarily aim at description of differences in Environmental factors. Differences in the 1 year’s follow-up regarding Disease Course, Medical treatment, Surgery, Quality of Life, Impairment of Work, Cancer and Death will be analyzed.

This solution contains a wide range of entry forms for easy registration of relevant patient information.
- Diagnostic Criteria
- Environmental factors
- Hepatitis/HIV
- SF-12
- Quality of Care
- FACIT Fatigue Scale
- Clinical Assessment
- Harvey Bradshaw
- EQ-5D-3L
- Biological therapy
- Pregnancy
- Blood sample
- Surgery
- Cancer
- Death cause
- Severe relapse
Export of data to different formats for further examination.
To build a consistent datasource for research in Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). To provide a platform for international research units to share data across the world in a secure and solid way.
Overview of countrys participating in EPICOM from year 2010